To the fans of the series, I would like to share the news (from ANN) that the anime will end on March 28 with the 51st episode. :( hmm... I do hope they animate Act II soon though. :)
To the fans of the series, I would like to share the news (from ANN) that the anime will end on March 28 with the 51st episode. :( hmm... I do hope they animate Act II soon though. :)
I guess this means the final will finish on episode 50 and 51 will focus on the celebration and Meiji Jingu tournament. Season 3 will start with the winter training camp and New Year's. I think they will have to take a break or post recap episodes for a while, because there will be only 28 chapters after the season ends and that's not enough to continue the anime.
Those will actually be covered by the 5th OAD including the final chapter of Act I. OAD 4 will cover "Comeback" and Jun's sidestory. :) Should there be a S3, it will most probably start with Koshien. :)
Dang. It will be a really long break since they have to wait for new chapters every week and animate them, hire voice actors.
Yes, its going to be a long break for now, even the OADs are kind of a little long of a wait o_O'. But looking forward to more animation of such awesome series. :)